Individual Educational Plan
for dealing with anxiety
for dealing with anxiety
Types of Anxiety Disorders
Goal: Increase and practice ability to manage anger
Goal: Develop strategies to reduce symptoms, or reduce anxiety and improve coping skills
Behaviour Problems:
Goal: Improve overall behaviour (and attitude/mood), or maintain positive behaviour (and attitude/mood)
Communication Skills:
Goal: Learn and use effective communication strategies
Decision Making:
Goal: Improve decision-making skills
Goal: Improve overall mood
Expression of Feelings, Wants and Needs:
Goal: Learn appropriate ways to express different feelings
Family, Peer or Teacher Conflict:
Goal: Learn and use conflict resolution skills
Goal: Be free of thoughts of low-self esteem, or be free of thoughts to self-harm.
Goal: Increase and practice ability to manage anger
- Walk away from situations that trigger strong emotions (100%)
- Be free of tantrums/explosive episodes
- Learn two positive anger management skills
- Learn ways to communicate verbally when angry
- Be able to express anger in a productive manner without destroying property or personal belongings
- Be able to express anger without yelling and using foul language
- Explore and resolve conflict with (list triggers)
- Get through an entire day without an angry mood swing (or breaking/punching…)
- Get through a whole week without fighting or arguing with
- Take a time-out when things get upsetting
- Learn and practice anger management skills especially in situations where people are not treating him/her respectfully
Goal: Develop strategies to reduce symptoms, or reduce anxiety and improve coping skills
- Be free of panic episodes (100%)
- Recognize and plan for top five anxiety-provoking situations
- Learn new ways of coping with routine stressors
- Report feeling more positive about self and abilities
- Develop strategies for thought distraction when fixating on the future
Behaviour Problems:
Goal: Improve overall behaviour (and attitude/mood), or maintain positive behaviour (and attitude/mood)
- Be free of _ behaviour
- Learn ways to manage frustration in a positive manner
- Share positive experiences
- Stay free of arguments
- Be able to express anger in a productive manner
- Complete daily tasks
- Avoid leaving clothing/toys/personal stuff all around the house
- Listen to parent or teacher and follow simple directions
- Clean up after himself/herself
- Admit and accept personal responsibility for own actions/behavior
- Be respectful of adults and avoid talking back
Communication Skills:
Goal: Learn and use effective communication strategies
- Talk nice or do not say anything at all
- Learn ways to communicate verbally when angry
- Be able to express anger in a productive manner
- Be able to express anger without yelling and using foul language
- Be able to express wants and needs through spoken language
- Be able to ask questions and tell about instances
- Be able to stick up for self assertively
- Speak in a clear and concise manner so others fully understand him/her
- Learn to express feelings verbally without acting out
Decision Making:
Goal: Improve decision-making skills
- Make short and simple “to do” lists and complete tasks each day
- Celebrate little successes each day using positive self talk and/or journaling
- Be able to weigh options and make simple decisions within 5 minutes
Goal: Improve overall mood
- Be free of angry or painful thoughts
- Call crisis hotline if having angry or painful thoughts
- Report feeling more positive about self and abilities
- Get 7-8 hours of restful sleep every night
- Avoid napping/sleeping to escape other people and activities
- Shower, dress, and then do something every day
- Report feeling happy/better overall mood
- Make short and simple “to do” lists and complete tasks each day
- Celebrate little successes each day using positive self talk and/or journaling
- Get through a day/week without a crying spell
- Develop strategies for thought distraction when ruminating on the past
Expression of Feelings, Wants and Needs:
Goal: Learn appropriate ways to express different feelings
- Share two positive experiences each week
- Gain knowledge of different feelings
- Turn to adults for help when feeling sad, angry or negative feelings
- Express feelings verbally rather than whine and/or cry about them
- Learn to express feelings verbally without acting out
Family, Peer or Teacher Conflict:
Goal: Learn and use conflict resolution skills
- Recognize patterns of conflict
- Avoid angry outbursts by walking away from stressful situations
- Be respectful of : Listen, follow directions and avoid talking back
- Learn ways to communicate verbally when angry
- Be able to express anger without yelling and using foul language
- Explore and resolve conflict with
- Be able to stick up for self assertively, not aggressively
- Be respectful of adults/don’t talk back
- Speak in a clear and concise manner so others fully understand him/her
- Learn to express feelings verbally without acting out
Goal: Be free of thoughts of low-self esteem, or be free of thoughts to self-harm.
- Learn ways to manage frustration in a positive manner
- Explore triggers of thoughts to harm self or others
- Call crisis hotline when needed
- Report feeling more positive about self and abilities
- Explore and resolve stress from
- Develop a crisis plan and share it with key people